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Supreme, Glorious, Stunning, Majestic Sunsets
The day of the superb sunset that inspired these little abstract paintings was an admin day.  Yes, sadly us artists do have to do admin. I was sat in the living room desperately trying to get my head around something that at the time felt really important but in the grand scheme of things was not.  My husband came into the room and gasped and I looked up to see what caught his attention.  It was then that I saw for the first time that the room was aglow with an orange light.  I put the laptop down and took that moment to look out of the window to see the most gorgeous sunset. I would have missed it if my husband hadn't have interrupted me.  What a waste of a beautiful sunset that would have been.  It made me really think about how much we miss throughout the days.
When I was putting together an idea for the exhibition I thought about what was important to me that year.  I realised I wanted something that would make me look up more and think about special moments in time.
I hope you can do the same.  Just take a moment a day and really pay attention to the beautiful world around you.  I promise it will be worth it.

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