These three paintings represent moments when I felt truly connected to the world and nature:
'Breath of Fresh Air.'
I was so happy when my husband took me to the beach on a surprise day out. It was like rebooting my batteries. I remember distinctly this wonderful connection with everything around me. The sounds of lapping waves, children laughing, and seagulls in the distance. The cold sea water trickling over my feet and the cool breeze on my face. And I took this long deep breath of fresh air and I felt alive.
So, when I saw a reference photo of a lady clearly enjoying the fresh air I had to capture her. All my ladies wear long medieval style dresses and she clearly isn't me but she represents that special moment in time.
'Moonlight Serenade'
This painting tells the story of the night me and my husband saw a beautiful fox on the edge of the woods. We weren't far from home and would have quite easily missed seeing the fox clearly if it hadn't been for the very bright summer moon. We're not sure if it was a male or a female we saw that night but it looked like it was out of a story book. Whether it was the moonlight that gave this impression or the fact we were taken by surprise by this magnificent animal, we're not quite sure. But for a fleeting moment we felt a connection to the fox.
Very recently I found myself out in the garden at two o'clock in the morning. I have a puppy so you can guess why I was there. While I waited bleary eyed and wishing to be back in bed I looked up to find the moon in all her glory. She was so bright, I barely needed my torch. I stood there taking in this wonderful sight. and watched as the clouds hugged her. The glow of warm colours on the clouds were gorgeous. I hadn't seen the night sky in so many years and it was good to be reminded that we are part of something so much bigger than our small world. I can understand why ancient people would have worshipped her.
I found a fox in my garden! A beautiful, healthy looking fox. After chatting with neighbours I discovered that it has a den in the local area and has been visiting many gardens. It felt such a privilage to have such a beautiful wild animal so close It was a fleeting moment but one I'll never forget.